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Assalamuallaikum, Selamat bergabung di Xpassion.:D

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Hi Xpassioners, selamat berkarya di BUKU ke 2 Xpassion, kumpulkan tulisanmu segera, rebranding your self and improve your skill
  • -Lutfi Zein-.
  • Find Your Passion
  • Now
  • No Delay,No Excuse,No But.
  • Reading Books Makes you Better.


Ever had someone ask you, “Do you read a lot?” Because I have, and I am more than proud to answer yes, I have. I’ve often looked at book lists to see what I’ve read and to chide myself for not reading enough
You shouldn’t feel guilty, embarrassed, or dorky for reading a lot. Those who tease you for reading so much secretly wish that they had the patience and love of stories that you have. Your imagination can take you anywhere with books, whereas theirs is limited to their bland worlds.
I’ve created a [satirical, based on who is reading this…] list of reasons why you’re a better person for reading!
10. You have a greater capacity for imagination
Who knows what’s out there?
9. You can casually name-drop books you’ve read, just to see the reaction from your companions
"Oh, I totally read War and Peace in four days." (Cue the look of awe.)
8. Pride, because you read that one book that no one else had the courage to read
Anna Karenina, anyone?
7. You’re a rebel… admit it 
J.D. Salinger would be so proud!
6. You have more patience 
Yeah, we can actually sit and read a book for a whole day just because the story is amazing!
5. When someone says something less than intelligent you can correct them, because you’ve probably read about the topic of the conversation
Friend who doesn’t read: “Harry Potter’s got nothing on Twilight!”
You: “Actually, you’re quite wrong my friend.”
4. You are an intellectual
Now, now, I don’t mean scientists and mathematicians, I mean you just care more about the literary world, rather than such concrete things.
3. You have author names floating in your head so you can use them as sources for your arguments or debates
"Yes, but Fitzgerald and Hemingway actually argued that…"
2. You can usually quote favourite books at parties
You: “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
Friend: “Is that Harry Potter, dude?”
You: “Totally.”
1. You look at the world differently
You: “Isn’t the world colourful?”
Friend who doesn’t read: “What are you talking about? It’s black and white!”

Happy reading!

Senyuman orang miskin memberitahukan kita bahwa kebahagiaan itu tidak selamanya dengan harta. Keep Smile kawans...


Kerjasama menembus Keterbatasan



how the process of becoming a butterfly? something beautiful will be on time,all need processes.Prepare yourself...


                                                    it's your choice.......


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